Reklamné oznámenie
ENERGO SYSTEM SK, s.r.o. https://www.energo-system.skelektroinštalačný materiál , elektromontáže , fotovoltika , LED osvetlenie , káble
Prírodné vankúše https://www.bakanature.comnahrievacie vankúše na oddych či spánok, jedinečné výrobky pre útulný domov, ľanové drobnosti
E-shop ľahko & rýchlohttps://www.weblahko.skSystém WebĽahko ponúka moderné e-shop s podporou on-line platieb.
After more than ten years of experience with the organization of summer camps in our country, in recent years we have begun to organize camps abroad as part of the diversification of activities. These were interesting countries such as Italy, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany - which have beautiful nature and sights. We also had camps planned in the Scandinavian countries in 2020, but due to the pandemic situation with COVID-19, they had to be canceled. In the coming years, we expect their implementatiton.